Szokimondoka Air Kit


This kit has Hungarian instructions.
Here is a description in English:
In the box you find:
– 17 colorful, illustrated word cards
– an interactive 26 minutes long short film on Vimeo available through registration
– a richly illustrated János Lackfi storybook
– a parental guide with tips and ideas in language development
The next natural element we get to know is the Air. The chapter’s season is Spring. We meet Mona’s brother Marci, and with him we finally have a male character in the story.
We learn about the Air, animals that move around in the air and the Spring flowers as well.
We believe SzóKiMondóka helps kids getting to know the world around them, calling them their names, and understanding natural laws. Environmental consciousness is getting a more and more important role in the chapters, as the kid’s consciousness is growing. The family bonding remains essential throughout all SzóKiMondóka products.
Finally we eliminated the usage of the DVD as less and less families are capable of playing them. There is a link instead, where you register with the special code in your box cover, and in response you get the link, where you can view the 26 minutes long Air Chapter film and experiment as many times as you want.

2 in stock

Szokimondoka Air Kit

2 in stock