Dumpling Maker


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We have found a great dumpling/nokedli/galuska maker in Hungary that is easy to use, easy to clean and stores nicely in a cupboard or drawer.  Dumplings are easy to make and if you are tired of making them “off the plate” like your mom and grandmother, try this out!

Recipe included with each purchase!

Pro tip: Spray with cooking spray before putting using and clean up with be easier!

Wash and dry immediately after use — you will thank me for that later! This item is made of tinned steel and can last for years with proper care!

Make dumplings ahead of time then spread the dumplings out on a jelly roll pan that has a layer of parchment paper and freeze. When frozen, quickly take them off the jelly roll pan and put in a ziplock freezer bag and then take them out and reheat in boiling water whenever you need dumplings!


11 in stock

Dumpling Maker

11 in stock